January 31, 2024

IT Regulatory Compliance Security

Timely Topics:

ATM Security | American Bankers Association

ATMs remain a prime target for criminals. Whether the criminals attempt to breach the machine through physical means or through malware infections, banks must remain knowledgeable about the evolving threats in their region.

From “aba.com”

This Remote-Created Check Fraud Cover-Up Was A Scam

Check fraud losses are sky-high for banks this year as emboldened thieves have raided mailboxes pilfering checks and then selling them online.

But, there is another method that is driving up check fraud too, and not many people know about it. It’s called- remotely created check fraud.

It’s not something that is highly publicized. That is until now anyway.

From “Frank on Fraud” (12/22/2023)

Attack of the Clones: Feds Seek Voice-Faking Defenses

Do you have what it takes to build defenses that can easily and reliably spot voice cloning that is generated using artificial intelligence tools? If so, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission wants to hear from you.

The agency last November announced a Voice Cloning Challenge designed “to encourage the development of multidisciplinary approaches – from products to policies and procedures – aimed at protecting consumers from AI-enabled voice-cloning harms, such as fraud and the broader misuse of biometric data and creative content.”

From “bankinfosecurity.com” Matthew J. Schwartz (1/5/2024)

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