September 29, 2021

IT Regulatory Compliance Security

Timely Topics:

Your Work Email Address Is Your Work’s Email Address

Some people had an expectation of conducting personal activities on work accounts without the oversight of their employer. Especially in an era where we’re walking around with super computers in our pockets and on our wrists and free personal accounts by the likes of Gmail are ubiquitous, there’s very rarely a need to conduct personal affairs under a work identity.

Form “Troy Hunt” Troy Hunt (7/22/2021)

Hurricane-Related Scams

CISA warns users to remain on alert for malicious cyber activity targeting potential disaster victims and charitable donors following a hurricane. Fraudulent emails—often containing malicious links or attachments—are common after major natural disasters. Exercise caution in handling emails with hurricane-related subject lines, attachments, or hyperlinks. In addition, be wary of social media pleas, texts, or door-to-door solicitations relating to severe weather events.

From “Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency” (8/21/2021)

Watch Out For False Promises As Eviction Moratorium Nears End

As the eviction moratorium winds down, watch out for scammers offering loans, peddling credit repair services, or promoting government programs. These cons are a way to trick desperate people out of money they don’t have.

From “Better Business Bureau” (8/06/2021)

Excel Is Still A Security Headache After 30 Years Because Of This One Feature

The nuclear option for protecting against this kind of malware is to block any and all inbound macro-enabled and macro-embedded files from email or file transfer pathways.

From “Tech Republic” Veronica Combs (8/13/2021)

This New Phishing Attack Is ‘Sneakier Than Usual’, Microsoft Warns

The phishing group is using Microsoft SharePoint in the display name to entice victims to click the link. The email poses as a “file share” request to access bogus “Staff Reports”, “Bonuses”, “Pricebooks”, and other content hosted in a supposed Excel spreadsheet. It also contains a link that navigates to the phishing page and plenty of Microsoft branding.

From “ZD Net” Liam Tung (8/02/2021)

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