December 7, 2021

IT Regulatory Compliance Security

Timely Topics:

Child Tax Credit Scammers Are Still Reaching Out

Many people have gotten their advance Child Tax Credit payments this year, but scammers are taking advantage of this new program to try to trick you out of money or information. They’re pretending to be the IRS, contacting people by phone, text, email, and social media — and sending people to official-looking websites that look just like the IRS.

From “Federal Trade Commission” Emily Wu (11/05/2021)

‘Tis The Season For The Wayward Package Phish

The holiday shopping season always means big business for phishers, who tend to find increased success this time of year with a lure about a wayward package that needs redelivery. Here’s a look at a fairly elaborate SMS-based phishing scam that spoofs FedEx in a bid to extract personal and financial information from unwary recipients.

From “Krebs on Security” Brian Krebs (11/04/2021)

10 Ways Ransomware Attackers Pressure You To Pay The Ransom

Organizations have gotten more diligent about backing up important data, which means they may be less likely to pay the ransom. As a result, cybercriminals have turned to more aggressive and forceful tricks to demand that the ransom be paid.

From “Tech Republic” Lance Whitney (11/01/2021)

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